Rudolph the Red-Nosed Handprint


Brown craft foam or card stock
Black marker
Red glitter glue
Gold sequins
Googly eyes
Red pom-pom
Brown pipe cleaner
Paper clip or clothespin

To assemble one, first use a pencil to trace your child's hand onto a piece of brown craft foam or card stock.

Cut out the shape and add black marker hooves to the fingertips.

Next, add a red glitter glue collar with gold sequins for bells, then glue on a googly eye, a red pom-pom nose, and a tail cut from the brown craft foam or card stock.

For the reindeer's antlers, cut a brown pipe cleaner in half. Bend each half in two (slightly off-center) and curl the ends. Glue together the pipe cleaner pieces, holding them in place with a paper clip or clothespin until the glue dries. Finally, glue the antlers in place on the reindeer.


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